Flodder (The Series)


The tvseries was broadcasted from 1993 to 1998 with a total of 5 seasons. Robert wrote 3 episodes for season 4 and 5. The franchise is about the eponymous antisocial family Flodder. The family consists of Mother Flodder, her five children (ranging in age from mid 20’s to preteens; all of which have a different father), grandpa, and their dog Whiskey. Another recurring character in the franchise is social worker Jacques “Sjakie”Van Kooten. When the Flodder family is forced to leave their old home because it turns out it was located on top of a former waste dump, Sjakie convinces the city council to give the family a home in a highly respected upper class neighborhood called Zonnedael (sunny dale). The idea behind this is that this change of social environment will inspire the family to become model citizens. The project however turns out to be a big failure, because the family doesn’t adapt at all and continues with their illegal or otherwise antisocial activities. Mother makes her own whiskey, Johnnie and Kees (the two oldest sons) both handle in stolen goods, the oldest daughter, also named Kees (this Dutch name can apply to both genders) constantly hangs out with wrong boyfriends, and Toet and Henkie (the youngest son and daughter) are little brats. The family’s behavior causes a lot of friction between them and the rich snobs in Zonnedael. Only Sjakie remains convinced of the family’s good nature and keeps protecting them.